Frac Hit: Well to Well Communication Schlumberger

Frac Hit: Well to Well Communication

By  Lloyd H. Hetrick, PE CSP May 18, 2019

Mientras se bombea durante un trabajo de fracturamiento hidráulico, un pozo puede verse afectado por la comunicación de presión, presión mas fluido o presión más fluido y arena de fractura. Ahí decimos que un pozo fue afectado por un golpe de fractura o “Frac Hit”. Si la arena de fractura entra realmente en el pozo, entonces también se considera una fractura en el pozo. En lo que respecta a los niveles de seceridad podemos mencionar:

Comunicación de presión: Para que dos pozos se comuniquen, los fluidos de fracciones inyectadas no necesitan alcanzar al pozo productor. La comunicación de presión solo requiere ondas de presión gobernadas por la ecuación de difusividad para propagarse a través del espacio del reservorio.

Fracturamiento a pozo vecino: cuando las fracturas en sí se propagan al pozo productor, los fluidos de la fractura y la arena se transmiten al pozo productor. Esto puede causar daños a la terminación y levantar el equipo.

Pérdida del control del pozo: la fractura hidráulica se realiza bajo altas tasas de caudal y presión, lo que requiere un equipo robusto de control del pozo en el pozo de inyección. Cuando esta presión se transfiere a los pozos que tienen menos integridad de presión, puede ocurrir una falla en el control de la presión. Esto puede causar un estallido de fluidos de fractura o fluidos.

--Descargar Trabajo (pdf)

Ver Video - George King, P. E. -  “Frac Hits: Sensing, Preventing and Recovery of Production Rate”

Lloyd H. Hetrick, PE CSP
Operations Engineering Advisor
Newfield Exploration Company

Lloyd H. Hetrick is a registered professional engineer (PE) in Texas and a certified safety professional (CSP)—a national certification. He has more than 38 years of diverse experience spanning all phases of exploration and production including: drilling; completions; production; decommissioning; health, safety and environmental; acquisitions; divestitures and mechanical integrity. Hetrick’s industry knowledge covers domestic and international, shallow and deepwater, onshore conventional and unconventional developments.

Hetrick joined Newfield in May 2010 and has worked exclusively on unconventional development projects in Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Utah. He has served in leadership roles and been an active participant in the development of hydraulic fracturing rules and guidelines at both the national and state levels:

1. Current Chair of American Petroleum Institute (API) Hydraulic Fracturing Issues Group
2. Current Chair of OKOGA Seismicity Committee
3. API participant 2013 thru 2016 to elevate Guidance Document HF-1 to Recommended Practice RP100-1 “Hydraulic Fracturing: Well Integrity and Fracture Containment”
4. API participant 2013 thru 2016 to elevate Guidance Document HF-2 to Recommended Practice RP100-2 “Hydraulic Fracturing: Managing Environmental Aspects Associated with E&P Operations Including Hydraulic Fracturing”
5. Worked with the Groundwater Protection Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission 2011 through present to provide chemical disclosures to FracFocus and subsequently to improve disclosures to address public concerns for transparency.
6. Worked with the EPA’s Hydraulic Fracturing Study 2010 through 2016, served as a Technical Workgroup participant to evaluate risks to drinking water resources and presented on March 11, 2011: “Case Study for Well Integrity over a Full Life Cycle”
7. Worked with the BLM’s Hydraulic Fracturing rulemaking process to develop new rules to further protect the public, the environment, and the federal mineral estate which included Congressional Testimony to the House Natural Resources Committee on July 15, 2015 discussing “The Future of Hydraulic Fracturing on Federally Managed Lands”

Continuous work history includes a wide range of technical and management positions at:

• BP America Production Company: October 2000 through April 2010
• Cockrell Oil Corporation: May 1994 through September 2000
• American Exploration Company: June 1991 through April 1994
• Kerr McGee Corporation: January 1989 through May 1991
• Tenneco Oil Company: May 1979 through December 1988

B.S. Engineering, Texas A&M May 1979; PE certified July 1992; CSP certified January 1994 your social media marketing partner
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